
Wilsonic is your portal to new musical universes. Ervin Wilson's 65 years of tuning research and discovery are now at your fingertips. By touching, hearing, and feeling Wilson's designs you can intuitively break free of the limits of the 12 note scale used by historical musical instruments such as the piano and guitar to pioneer new music never-before heard by mankind.

No previous knowledge of music theory is required. These tonal worlds are based on an entirely unique mode of thought that has little to do with historical musical thinking.

Wilsonic MTS-ESP

Mac OS X and Windows available on our downloads page

  • Open sourced on GitHub
  • AU, VST3 Plugin Dynamically Retunes Your MPE-compatible Software Synthesizers
  • Fully Automatable In The DAW
  • Presets by Pioneering Microtonalists
  • Interactively Design Your Own Scales
  • Built on ODDSound MTS-ESP Technology
  • Play on touch-screens such as Surface and Lenovo Flex
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Wilsonic iOS

iOS version available on the App Store

  • Interactively Design Your Own Scales
  • Tuning presets by pioneering microtonalists
  • Play on touch-screens such as Surface and Lenovo Flex
  • Fast-switch TuneUp of AudioKit Synth One
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AudioKit Synth One

iPhone and iPad version available on the App Store

  • Open sourced on GitHub
  • Tuning presets by pioneering microtonalists
  • Mind-blowing presets by amazing sound designers
  • Fast-switch TuneUp by Wilsonic
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